Kilburn RSL, contact details, opening hours, upcoming events

Kilburn RSL

Opening Times,

Tuesday 3pm- 6.30pm
Wednesday 3pm-6.30pm
Friday 3pm-6.30pm
Saturday 11am-2pm
Sunday 10am-2pm

Upcoming Events

  1. Sunday 25th March 2012 (Kindred Spirit Country Band 1.00pm to 5.00 pm)
  2. Sunday 29th April 2012   ( City Slickers Country Band  1.00pm to 5.00 pm)
  3. Sunday 27th May 2012    (Bernie and the Bandits Country Band 1.00pm to 5.00pm)
  4. Sunday 24th June 2012    (Charlie McCraken Country Band     1.00pm to 5.00pm)